Stopping Infection With Root Canal Therapy

When a tooth develops decay, we could help by placing a filling, or even a crown. But once a tooth develops a dental infection, then you may need a treatment to address the infected tissues in the interior of the tooth. With our team of oral health experts in Lancaster, OH, we can stop infections and discomfort with root canal therapy.

When to Talk to Us About Your Smile

If you attend checkup and cleaning visits with our team, then we will be able to identify trouble in the earliest stages of demineralization, before a full cavity develops. Otherwise, you may not realize you have a severe decay or infection until painful symptoms begin to arise, such as tooth sensitivity when you eat or drink, toothaches that last for more than a day or two, pain when you eat or bite down, swelling near the tooth, or even a discharge from it. Pain in the face and jaw could occur too. Don’t ignore persistent discomfort, as you could risk the stability of your tooth! Give us a call right away.

Keeping You Comfortable

Our team will start by taking detailed digital x-rays of your smile to pinpoint the position and severity of your infected tooth. From there, we can plan treatment in detail. We want you to enjoy a positive experience in our office, so we take time to ensure you’re comfortable throughout the treatment process. For example, we can apply a local anesthetic to the area being treated to prevent discomfort. We also offer dental sedation, which helps you enter a state of calm and relaxation, with little memory of the procedure, even if you have dental anxiety or special needs.

The Root Canal Process

When we’ve planned the treatment in detail and administered anesthesia and sedation, we will begin the root canal treatment. Our team will open the tooth to access and remove the infected tissues from within, and then clean the interior of the tooth and root canals thoroughly. A special filling is then placed into the tooth. We typically complete the procedure by capping the tooth with a crown, one custom-made to ensure a proper fit, long-lasting protection for the tooth, and a lifelike appearance.

If you have any questions about how we treat infections with a root canal procedure, then contact our team today to learn more. We’re ready to help you enjoy your best smile this summer!

Find Out More About General Dentistry With Friendly Dental!

Our team wants to help safeguard your smile with restorative treatments like root canal therapy. To learn more about how our team will treat an infected tooth, give us a call at Friendly Dental Care in Lancaster, OH at (740) 687-6105! Our restorative treatments can offer you a strong, healthy, and beautiful smile again.


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