Enjoy Your Favorite Foods With Dental Implants

The decision to undergo any major dental procedure often leaves patients concerned about the results – wondering if the dental work will appear natural, feel and functional naturally, or hinder everyday life. With dental implants, patients have the benefits comparable to natural teeth with a stronger design using nonreactive metal (usually titanium) or ceramic implant posts surgically placed within the jawbone by an implant dentist. A crown covers the exposed portion of the implant, creating the look of a natural tooth that fits and functions perfectly within that patient’s mouth.

Unlike alternative treatment approaches, implants provide a strong functional design that can operate just as a natural tooth. This means patients typically do not have to adjust or alter their diets and lifestyles. The durability of the crown is comparable to, if not stronger than, natural teeth, providing a functional element for biting and chewing favorite foods comfortably. The implant component serves as the root of the structure, often considered as strong as, if not stronger, than natural roots of teeth due to the composition of the implant and it’s placement within the bone. With the crown in place, the implant is not seen.

Unlike alternative treatment approaches, implants provide a strong functional design that can operate just as a natural tooth.

The implant is surgically placed within the jawbone, and the bone heals to secure the implant post permanently. If bone loss has begun, the surgeon can add a bone graft or bone-building treatment to reinforce the implant during the healing process and help reinforce the jawbone for continued healthy functioning. Together with the visible crown, the design is made for lasting quality performance, and in many cases this one treatment can last throughout the patient’s lifetime. The structure is strong enough for chewing raw fruits and vegetables, meats, breads, and other favorite foods, but patients are discouraged from chewing on ice cubes, non-food items such as pens and pencils, or anything that can possibly cause unnecessary damage.

For more information on dental implants and other beneficial dental procedures, contact our skilled dentistry team today!

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