How long before I start to see results with Invisalign?

Depending on the severity of your dental malocclusion, you may see results very quickly. While overnight is too soon, within a few weeks you may see signs your smile is improving. And with Invisalign, you don’t have to try to see changes through metal wires, bands, and brackets.

Invisalign clear aligners provide numerous advantages over other teeth straightening methods:

Aligners are clear – You will not carry the stigma of wearing braces; but you will enjoy the compliments you receive when your smile makeover is complete. Since the aligners are clear, only you and your dentist need to know you are wearing braces.

Aligners are removable – This is one of the most advantageous aspects of this makeover. Being able to take off your “braces” allows you to better gauge progress than having to imagine what is occurring while looking through all that metal.

In addition, the aligners are removed for all meals and snacking. The biggest plus is being able to enjoy ALL the foods you love – nothing is off limits because you are having your teeth straightened.

You will take the aligners out to perform your daily oral regimen of brushing and flossing. Since you don’t have any metal barriers, keeping teeth clean throughout treatment will allow you to enjoy healthier teeth and gums at the conclusion of treatment.

Your dentist will also be able to offer the most extensive cleaning and dental exam throughout the process as well helping to catch small problems before they can escalate.

Invisalign aligners are comfortable and convenient. There is no metal to rub against soft oral tissues, and no wires to break. Instead of going to the dentist every month to have the wires tightened to keep teeth moving, you merely replace your aligner every two weeks with the next in the series. This will provide the necessary changes needed to continue to complete your smile makeover.

Changes do not occur rapidly; they are more subtle. Photographs and impressions taken at the onset of treatment may reveal improvements from beginning to treatment conclusion better than your day to day observations.

But the advantages you experience as your malocclusion is corrected include the ability to keep teeth cleaner and healthier as crooked teeth harbor bacteria and encourage plaque build-up.

A smile makeover is your reward no matter how long it takes. Contact Friendly Dental Care at 740-687-6105 today to schedule your professional consultation.

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