When you have issues with the appearance of your smile, we could help with cosmetic dentistry. In fact, with dental bonding, we can use composite resin to correct multiple imperfections all at once. Dr. McDavid and our oral health experts in Lancaster, OH, offer bonding to help transform smiles in just one sitting!
Did you know that we can offer orthodontic treatment that is clear in appearance, practically invisible? With Invisalign®, our team can offer these barely visible aligners to help improve overall alignment. Dr. McDavid and our oral health experts in Lancaster, OH, offer Invisalign® to help you smile with confidence, sometimes in as little as one year.
Traditional braces could take as long as two years to correct your smile, and clear aligners may still require a full year. But what if there was an option that could offer results in as little as six months? With Dr. McDavid and our oral health experts in Lancaster, OH, we can offer stunning results in a short time with Six Month Smiles.
For adults interested in finally addressing their misalignment, but who also worry about the impact on their professional appearance, we can offer cosmetic options. With our adult cosmetic orthodontics, our team can provide clear aligners and more that can shift the teeth in as little as six months to a year. With Dr. McDavid and our oral health experts in Lancaster, OH, we can offer even smiles in a short time period, often with practically invisible orthodontics.
When you have sleep apnea, this could impact how you sleep and over time, add strain to your immune system or heart health. While a CPAP machine is effective, many people have difficulty using these, which is why we’re proud to offer an alternative. With our team of oral health experts in Lancaster, OH, we can help ease sleep apnea using an oral appliance.
When you have anxiety about seeing the dentist, this could make you avoid necessary care to keep your smile healthy and strong. But we can offer dental sedation to help you enter a calm and relaxed state. With our team of oral health experts in Lancaster, OH, we can ensure a positive experience with our sedation options!
When a tooth can no longer be treated with a filling or crown, then extraction could be necessary. Otherwise, the situation could lead to dental infection and major complications! But our team can provide a safe and gentle tooth extraction to help your smile. With our team of oral health experts in Lancaster, OH, we can protect your smile with a tooth extraction.
When a tooth develops decay, we could help by placing a filling, or even a crown. But once a tooth develops a dental infection, then you may need a treatment to address the infected tissues in the interior of the tooth. With our team of oral health experts in Lancaster, OH, we can stop infections and discomfort with root canal therapy.
Dental crowns are a substantial dental restoration that can cover your tooth and address multiple concerns at once, protecting your smile from issues that could later require tooth extraction. We take a custom approach to crown placement, so we can ensure a natural appearance! With our team of oral health experts in Lancaster, OH, we can create and place lifelike crowns for your smile!
When you have a cavity, this means a painful issue that could lead to an infection without treatment. To offer a solution that blends with your smile, we could provide composite resin dental fillings. With our team of oral health experts in Lancaster, OH, we can treat cavities in one visit and offer results that look natural!