09 Dec Implementing Natural Appeal: Will Dental Implants Enhance your Natural Smile?
If you are missing one or more teeth, dental implants are a great option to restore your smile’s appeal and function. Unfortunately, many people believe these replacement teeth will not offer a natural look. However, a few factors determine the natural appeal of your implants.
Sufficient Bone and Gum Tissue
After losing one or more teeth, the socket may weaken over time, causing the bone and gum tissue to collapse. This decreases the success of a natural, secure implantation. To ensure your dental implants attach in a realistic, fully functional manner, visit your dentist immediately after tooth loss.
If damage has occurred to the socket’s tissue or surrounding bone, you may require bone or tissue grafts to create a stronger frame for your implants.
Trauma to Neighboring Teeth
If you lost a tooth from an accident, trauma may have also occurred to your adjacent teeth. While still intact, the overall trauma can weaken the bone and tissue of your neighboring teeth. This affects the healing of the total gum tissue in your mouth, reducing your chance of a successful, natural implantation.
Complementing Natural Teeth
In many cases, patients will want bright, white implants after losing one or more teeth. However, these bright, white artificial teeth may not resemble their off-white or stained natural teeth. To ensure your implants appear completely real, it is best to use a color scale to closely match them with your natural teeth.
While surprising to hear, colors of teeth can range from white and off-white to yellow and beige. By using the specialized scale, you can match up the color of your natural teeth and choose implants that do not appear artificial when smiling.
Implants are a great option for restoring your smile, but certain factors can influence their natural looking appearance. To find out if dental implants are right for you, or to learn more about your tooth replacement options, contact our team at Friendly Dental Care. Call 740-687-6105 today to schedule your informative consultation.