Conscious sedation is modern dentistry that lets even the most high fear patient have a relaxing and comfortable dental visit. Since the patient is comfortable, we are able to accomplish work that would normally take multiple appointments, in just one easy visit. There are a number of conscious sedation techniques, but they all have certain things in common. While the goal of general anesthesia is for the patient to sleep, in dentistry it is much more common to use conscious sedation, where the patient is sedated and comfortable, yet still awake. When we utilize oral conscious sedation, you don’t really fall asleep, even though sometimes it feels like you did. That’s because sedation feels so relaxing and peaceful that the patient doesn’t even notice the passing of time. Many of the medications used in conscious sedation have an amnesiac effect as well, leaving patients with little or no memory of their dental appointment, and further adding to the feeling that the patient was asleep.
Oral sedation is wonderful and incredibly effective for most healthy adults. For many, it is the answer they have been looking for all their life. The Friendly Dental team would be more than happy to discuss oral conscious sedation if any of the following sounds like you:
There are many different medications and sedation techniques, so it is best to get specifics from one of our Doctors at Friendly Dental Care. Generally, you will be given a prescription for a pill to take before your appointment. Since this is sedative medication, you will need a companion to drive you to the appointment. Once you arrive, the team will begin monitoring your vital signs, including heart rate and blood pressure, to make sure that you stay completely safe through the procedure. The doctor will then assess your level of sedation, and determine the proper dosage of medication to administer. The dentistry will all be performed while you are relaxed and totally comfortable. When it is safe for you to travel, your companion will take you home, and then you will rest comfortably for the rest of the day.
While all methods of sedation are very safe, the history of oral sedation has been especially safe as well as very effective. We use very common medications that are extremely safe and widely prescribed. Your vital signs will be constantly monitored from the moment you arrive at the office through the appointment, and until the doctor is certain you are ready to leave. In fact, the entire dental team is highly trained in safety and emergency procedures, making the dentist office one of the safest places you can be!