Friendly Dental Care Logo | Lancaster OH
611 N. Broad Street, Lancaster, OH 43130

(740) 687-6105 | Appointments
(740) 687-6105 | General Information


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Many people don’t realize it, but your oral hygiene routine is an important part of your body’s overall wellness regimen. Brushing and flossing at home and seeing your dentist twice a year will go a long way toward keeping your body in optimal condition, along...

Whether you refer to them as soft drinks, pop, or soda … regular consumption can have devastating effects on your teeth. The sugar and acid in soft drinks are the culprits. Regular visits to the dentist and an effective daily oral care regimen can help...

Becoming pregnant is a momentous step for both parents; however, the mother will actually be carrying the child for nine months and will undoubtedly be affected in many ways. If you are trying to become pregnant, it is even more important to stick to a...

We do things every day that we consider normal and in some cases habitual. Some are harmless, but knowing about the harmful ones can lead to improved dental and overall health. While your dentist may caution you about things like brushing and flossing, some others...

Some patients wonder why they need to see a dentist twice a year when they’re not experiencing any issues with their teeth. Preventive dental care is essential to preserving a healthy smile, and routine care plays an important role not only in maintaining your smile...